Contact us

Serviap Logistics provides warehouse setup and optimization services to some of the biggest and best-known companies in the world. We are waiting to hear from you

Serviap Global provides warehouse setup and optimization services to
some of the biggest and best-known companies in the world. We are
waiting to hear from you



Contact us

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Let us help you maximize productivity and safety in your warehouse or distribution center

We provide and install racking and mezzanines, protection barriers, and warehouse signage. We also supply labels as well as offer industrial cleaning, floor marking and maintenance, warehouse project management, and business process outsourcing, including assistance with warehouse staffing

United States

Phone: 1 (800) 986 9169

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 800 099 9169

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 0800 900 0430

Email: [email protected]